2 Weeks left to Apply to the Geneva Peace Week 2023
May 22, 2023 10:00
2 Weeks left to Apply to the Geneva Peace Week 2023
Two Weeks Left to Apply!
Dear Prospective Organisers,
The call for applications is set to end by Sunday 4 June midnight, leaving two weeks left to apply and participate in the 10th edition of Geneva Peace Week!
“Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future”
Applicants have the opportunity to organise events, either policy briefings or workshops, or to produce digital content with formats such as videos or podcasts, on the three themes mentioned hereafter. To guide conversation, six areas of interest have been identified by the GPW consortium for each of the three thematic tracks as follows:
Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies
Inequalities and social justice
Local to global governance
Gender equality and minorities rights
Youth inclusion
Role of conventional arms control in preventing conflicts and building peace
Accountability and transitional justice
Addressing climate change through just transitions
Water management and cooperation
Green, just transitions
Climate action
Protection of biodiversity and ecosystems
Environmental peacebuilding
Responsible business conduct
Harnessing technologies to build a better future
Emerging technologies including artificial intelligence
Cyber warfare, information manipulation and dynamics of conflicts
Tech for good for positive social change
Strategic foresight
Future of peace missions and operations
Digital peacebuilding including Peace Tech
The selection committee might consider applications on topics that do not fit into these three thematic tracks. Additional topics must be relevant to peacebuilding efforts and the overarching theme of the 10-year anniversary “Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future”, including on the more specific themes relating to the New Agenda for Peace.