Local actors as peace influencers: SSG/R’s role in peacebuilding in the MENA region

Peace Panel

Local Actors and Local Communities

Local actors as peace influencers: SSG/R’s role in peacebuilding in the MENA region

DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, Qatar Strategic Studies Centre
  • 15/10/2024 @ 11:00 - 12:30
  • Conference Center C1 (pétale 5) – Hybrid

Working with local actors on SSG/R in complex conflict environments is key. Often, their positions and roles shift during and in the aftermath of crises and institutional changes, becoming either more marginalized or more influential depending on the context. Analyzing the challenges these actors face and understanding their needs, priorities, and visions is essential for effective engagement on security governance, which in turn is a prerequisite for the legitimacy and sustainability of peacebuilding efforts. This involves direct dialogue and participatory approaches to inform strategic policy formulation that is responsive to local perspectives in peacebuilding initiatives. Building bridges between local actors and national, regional, and international stakeholders strengthens and aligns positions to create sustainable peace.

DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, works with local actors in complex and conflict environments to nurture people-centered reforms that cater to the justice and security needs of local communities amidst political fragmentation and instability, active conflicts and widespread institutional fragility. Drawing from these experiences, DCAF will provide cross-country perspectives and concrete examples of engagement with local actors in Yemen, Libya and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt), illustrating the diverse ways these actors adapt and influence peace processes through SSG/R. 

All three cases exemplify how in contexts of conflict affected environments – local solutions can be at the origin of national ones and can unlock the key to larger successes in matters of reform.

  • Dr Rashid Hamad Al Naimi - Major General, Commander of the Qatar Strategic Studies Center, Qatar Strategic Studies Centre
  • Prof. Dr. Elham Manea - Adjunct Professor of political science, Zurich University
  • Ms. Eman Redwan - Acting Head, Ramallah Office, DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
  • Mr. Bashar Eltalhi - Country Manager for Libya, Peaceful Change Initiative


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Main organiser

  • Qatar Strategic Studies Centre

    - Maryam Al Sulaiti - Assistant Director of European and American Studies

    - Maryam Al Nesf - Head of Department of Asian and African Studies