Mastering Negotiation in Conflict: Role-Play and Insights from the Field

Peace Workshop

Peace Responsive Approaches

Mastering Negotiation in Conflict: Role-Play and Insights from the Field

Clingendael Institute of International Affairs, Nonviolent Peaceforce
  • 15/10/2024 @ 13:00 - 14:30
  • GCSP- 5th floor (pétale 4) – Hybrid

The goal of this session is for participants to experience and undergo the complexities and challenges of negotiating in a conflict context and reflect on these with examples from the ground taking the angle of unarmed civilian protection. The organisers will facilitate a role-play where participants are asked to step into the shoes of local actors involved in a difficult situation. At the end of the workshop, the participants will have:

  • Practiced their negotiation skills in a fictive scenario

  • Enhanced their understanding of negotiation concepts and techniques

  • Obtained examples and lessons from local civilian protection officers of how they navigated complex negotiations

  • Reflected on real-life examples which impacted the safety and security of civilians in violent conflict

It is especially in tense situations where the skills of local peacebuilders are crucial. Such skills need to be trained and practiced, especially when they are used to protect civilians and save lives, as is the case for the local protection officers working for Nonviolent Peaceforce. The renowned Clingendael Academy has years of experience in providing skills-based negotiation and mediation trainings to practitioners, diplomats and peacebuilders across the world. Nonviolent Peaceforce partners from South-Sudan and Ukraine will share their insights into how they navigate this difficult task when engaged in civilian unarmed protection. Clingendael and Nonviolent Peaceforce believe in the power of negotiations to achieve sustainable peace and effectively de-escalate conflicts. The combination of local practitioners and skills-trainers will lead to a unique learning experience.

  • Gabriëlla Geneste-Vogelaar - Academy Programme Fellow, Clingendael Institute
  • Sunday Stephen Nhial Thiang - Nonviolent Peaceforce South Sudan, Protection Officer
  • Anton Yeremchuk - Base UA, Project Coordinator and Co-Founder
  • Marlies Rotshuizen - Senior Academy Fellow, Clingendael Institute


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