Opening Ceremony: What is Peace ?

Opening Ceremony

International Geneva and Peacebuilding

Opening Ceremony: What is Peace ?

Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva, The United Nations Office at Geneva, Canton et République de Genève, Ville de Genève
  • 14/10/2024 @ 16:30 - 18:00
  • Palais de Nations room XVIII – Hybrid


Join us for the highly anticipated opening of the 11th edition of Geneva Peace Week, where we confront the pressing question: “What is Peace?” In a time of escalating global tensions, inequality, and challenges, this theme sets the stage for a week of reflection, dialogue, and action. Featuring thought leaders, policymakers, and artists, the ceremony will explore peace in its many forms, offering insight into how we can collectively build a more peaceful world. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this pivotal conversation. The ceremony will be followed by a cocktail at the Restaurant Vieux Bois (Pregny Gate) from 18:00 to 20:00.


Opening discussion



  • Helga Maria Schmid – Former Secretary-General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, President of the European Institute of Peace and Vice President of the Foundation Council of the Munich Security Conference 


Artistic performance

Marco Rodrigues

Marco Rodrigues, born in Amarante and raised in Arcos de Valdevez, is a distinguished Portuguese fado singer and composer. His early exposure to music came through his father, a local accordion player, and he began performing at village festivals from a young age. After winning the prestigious Grande Noite do Fado in Lisbon in 1999, Marco launched a successful career, becoming a resident artist and artistic director at Café Luso. With a series of acclaimed albums, including Fados da Tristeza Alegre and Fados do Fado, he has collaborated with notable artists and earned a Latin Grammy nomination. His music has also featured in popular TV soap operas, solidifying his influence in Portuguese culture. Learn more about Marco Rodrigues.

Main organizer

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

The United Nations Office at Geneva

Canton et République de Genève

Ville de Genève

Registration for UN Accreditation
You need to obtain accreditation to attend this ceremony (unless you already have a UN pass).
In addition to the GPW general registration, please make sure you register here:

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3. You will see an accreditation tab, select it and fill in your information