Peace mediation under stress: Adaptation, innovation and challenges

Peace Workshop

Peace Responsive Approaches

Peace mediation under stress: Adaptation, innovation and challenges

Conciliation Resources
  • 17/10/2024 @ 09:00 - 10:30
  • GCSP- 5th floor (pétale 4) – Hybrid

International peacemaking is facing extreme challenges. Violent conflicts are surging, fuelled by profound geopolitical polarisation, the fragmentation of armed actors, widespread violations of human rights and a glaring lack of accountability, as well as deep technological change (evident from the pervasive influence of social media to the rapid evolution of AI and new weapons systems) and rising systemic threats such as the climate emergency. The value of mediation as a tool to facilitate political solutions to violent conflict is under severe pressure.

How can mediators adapt to the changing realities of conflict and global politics? Published in February 2024 by Conciliation Resources, Accord 30: Still time to talk: adaptation and innovation in peace mediation, examines the evolving mediation landscape and explores innovative approaches to engage armed groups, navigate the digital environment, and ensure diverse views are incorporated into peace processes.

This panel will bring together contributors to Accord 30 to discuss challenges facing mediation today, and the priorities for adaptation and innovation to try to meet them. It will consider: 

 – Global challenges and priorities for mediation 

– Effective peacemaking partnerships

– Engaging resistant, elusive and excluded conflict parties

– Mediating with and on technology

  • Teresa Whitfield - Associate / Accord 30 Issue Editor, Conciliation Resources
  • Barney Afako - Senior mediation adviser, Independent
  • Claudia Meier - Europe Lead, Build Up (TBC)
  • Jonathan Cohen - Executive Director, Conciliation Resources
  • Matthias Siegfried - Senior Mediation Adviser, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
  • James Martin - Mediation and Peace Process Adviser, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office



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