Rebuilding Trust, Security and Reconciliation: From Conflict to Cohesion

Peace Panel

Confidence and Trust Building

Rebuilding Trust, Security and Reconciliation: From Conflict to Cohesion

Principles for Peace Foundation, DCAF
  • 15/10/2024 @ 09:00 - 10:30
  • Conference Center C1 (pétale 5) – Hybrid

In an era of extreme securitization and rising extremism, new approaches are needed to address political violence, inter and intra-state conflicts, proxy wars, military coups, and large-scale human rights violations. It is imperative to examine what makes social contracts effective, focusing on the factors that rebuild trust between citizens and state institutions, foster social cohesion, and deliver tangible peace dividends. 

The focus should be on building legitimate and robust institutions and creating a stable, secure relationship between the state, society, economy, and environment. In this context, the panel will explore ways to rebuild a social contract based on trust, security, and reconciliation, and a spotlight on the Somali National Reconciliation Framework (NRF) will provide a practical deep dive by the Minister of Interior on dilemmas, challenges and strategies. 

Following various stabilization and peacebuilding efforts, the NRF arrives at a crucial moment in Somalia’s history. While significant progress has been made in reclaiming territory from armed groups, the central challenge now is to transition from military victories to fostering communal reconciliation and meeting local expectations for service delivery. Panelists will analyze the importance and challenges of fostering confidence and trust among diverse stakeholders, with a particular focus on the security sectors. The panel will provide a platform to discuss future steps in reconciliation efforts, facilitate cross-country exchanges, and reflect on the role of the international community in supporting this process while ensuring local ownership and sustaining the development of governmental institutions.


The session will be co-moderated by the P4P Executive Director and the DCAF Executive Director, who will guide the conversation by asking panelists to address specific topics related to their expertise. The Somali Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs, and Reconciliation will provide an overview of the current state of reconciliation efforts, highlighting key dilemmas, achievements, ongoing challenges, and the efforts to build accountable security institutions. The Danish Ambassador to the UN will offer an international diplomatic perspective, emphasizing the importance of multilateral support and cooperation in sustaining Somalia’s reconciliation process. 

The representative of the Turkish Embassy to the UN in Geneva will focus on the evolution of stabilization efforts in Somalia, focusing on strategic interventions and support mechanisms that align with local ownership and institutional development. The representative from civil society in Somalia will share insights from one of the Somali Member State of Puntland. This contribution will highlight the importance of including input from conflict-affected communities and reflect on mechanisms to ensure local community involvement. The panel will conclude with a Q&A session, encouraging active participation from the audience. 

  • Hiba Qasas, Executive Directors, Principles for Peace Foundation
  • Nathalie Chuard - Ambassador, Director, DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
  • H.E. Minister Yusuf Ali - Federal Affairs and Reconciliation, Somali Minister of Interior
  • Ib Petersen - Danish Ambassador to the UN
  • Asha Gelle Dirie - Civil Society Representative from Somalia
  • UK Representative from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) (TBD)

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