Understanding and managing conflict-risk with the private sector

Peace Panel

Peace Finance

Understanding and managing conflict-risk with the private sector

Sustainable Finance Geneva, Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, Interpeace / Finance 4 Peace, PeaceNexus
  • 17/10/2024 @ 15:00 - 16:30
  • GCSP- 4th floor (pétale 4) – Hybrid

“Peace finance” is an overarching concept bridging the world of finance with the world of peace building, it aims to give financial institutions the tools they need to understand and manage conflict-related risks and/or invest in projects and companies that contribute to peace and stability in fragile and high-risk settings. Conflict is a reality in a range of crucial sectors and geographies opening businesses and investors up to significant regulatory, financial (investment), legal and reputational risks, all of which can erode the value of a company or of an investment. Yet, many investors and companies lack awareness and understanding of these risks and have few tools available to manage and monitor them.During this panel, speakers will discuss the different methodologies and strategies for quantifying conflict risk and engaging the private sector to mitigate and manage these risks. This proactive, conflict-conscious approach delivers both benefits for financial performance and for the wider community and peace building.

  • TBC



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