

Find out more about our list of speakers for the 2024 edition of Geneva Peace Week. For any question or interview requests, please contact our Communications Coordinator: tatiana.avanthay@gpplatform.ch 

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Mamoudou   Amadou

Mamoudou Amadou

Ex-combatant involved in the “Support Project for the Socio-Economic Integration of Repentees through Public Interest Services” @ ONG GARKUA

Ahmad Fawzi

Kofi Annan’s former spokespersons and Communication Advisor

Amanda Horzyk

Early-career researcher in AI Law and Regulation @ Innovation, Technology and the Law LLM 2023/4, University of Edinburgh

Muhammadou Kah

Ambassador of the Gambia to Switzerland and permanent representative of the Gambia to the United Nations Organisations @ Gambian Government, UNOG, WTO

Diogene Karangwa

Rwanda General Lead @ Institute for Community-Based Sociotherapy (ICBS)
Juanita   Millán Hernández

Juanita Millán Hernández

Senior Mediation Adviser @ United Nations DPPA, Security Arrangements

Hiba Qasas

Founding Executive Director @ Principles for Peace

Lukas Rüttinger

Senior Advisor @ Adelphi
Alou Abdoulaye

Alou Abdoulaye

Coordinator @ RECOPA

Ahmed K. AbuLaban

Executive Director @ UN Habitat
Mahamar  Ahimidi

Mahamar Ahimidi

Ex-combatant involved in the “From armed repentant youth to actor for positive change” @ Think Peace
Halima Sadiya Ahman

Halima Sadiya Ahman

Nurtured Agro-resources Limited & Youth AgriChampion @ Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
Ranim Ahmed

Ranim Ahmed

The Syria Campaign

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

Former UN High Commissioner @ Human Rights, International Peace Institute

Rashid Hamad Al Naimi

Commander of the Qatar Strategic Studies Center @ Qatar Strategic Studies Centre

Hager Al Sharief

Resourcing the Feminist Movement Manager (RFM) @ WILPF

H.E. Yusuf Ali

Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation @ Government of Somalia

Lubna Alkanawati

Syrian feminist and women’s rights activist, Co-executive Director @ Women Now for Development

Hanadi Alloush

Program Manager @ Damma (Hug)

Hayma Alyousfi

Feminist Researcher, General Program Manager @ Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN)

Lama Anadani

General Assembly Member @ Free Aleppo Lawyers Association (FABA)

Arizza Ann Nocum

Peace and education advocate @ Extremely Together Young Leader, Kofi Annan Foundation

H.E. Sylvain Astier

Swiss Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa @ Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Pascale Baeriswyl

Pascale Baeriswyl

Ambassador @ UN Security Council
Shukria Barakzai

Shukria Barakzai

FMR Afghan Parliamentarian

Annyssa Bellal

Executive Director @ Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
Krisztina  Bende

Krisztina Bende

Permanent Representative @ Swiss Permanent Mission to the United Nations organizations in Rome
Rita Berisha

Rita Berisha

Project Manager @ University of Iceland and University of Pristina
Nakil Bieri

Nakil Bieri

Project Consultant @ Global Rights Compliance

Auxane Boch

Research Associate @ Technical University Munich (TUM)

Amb. Nathalie Chuard

Ambassador, Director, @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

Ángela María Chávez Bietti

Permanent Mission of Guatemala
Pamela  Coke-Hamilton

Pamela Coke-Hamilton

Executive Director @ International Trade Centre

Alex Conte

Executive Director @ Child Rights Connect

Chris Coulter

Deputy Executive Director, Executive Office @ Berghof Foundation

H.E. Patrizia Danzi

Director-General @ Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Fadi Daou

Executive Director @ Globethics

Abiosseh Davis

Head of Global Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning @ Interpeace

Adam Day

Head of the Geneva Office of United Nations University Centre for Policy Research @ United Nations University, Centre for Policy Research, Geneva

Dany Diogo

Geneva Peace Week Lead @ Geneva Peacebuilding Platform

Asha Gelle Dirie

Civil Society Representative @ Somalia

Phoebe Donnelly

Senior Fellow and Head of Women @ Peace, and Security Program, IPI

Leonid Donos

Trustbuilding Program Ukraine Project Coordinator @ Foundations for Freedom

Ayooshee Dookhee

Project Manager @ Kofi Annan Commission on Food Security

Mark Downes

Director @ Small Arms Survey

Jérôme Duberry

Managing Director, Academic Advisor @ Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Anh Thu Duong

Co-Director @ Global Cities Hub

Sever Džigurski

Head of Secretariat @ Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law

Bashar Eltalhi

Country Manager for Liby @ Peaceful Change Initiative

Anne-Séverine Fabre

Researcher @ Small Arms Survey
Rebecca  Falcon-Taylor

Rebecca Falcon-Taylor

Campaign Director @ The Syria Campaign (TSC)

Claudia Fuentes Julio

Ambassador of Chile
Giacomo Gabbrielli

Giacomo Gabbrielli

Senior Programme Coordinator (DDR) @ IOM
Sidonia  Gabriel

Sidonia Gabriel

Senior Advisor for Fragility, Conflict and Human Rights, Peace, Governance and Equality section @ Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Gabriëlla Geneste-Vogelaar

Academy Programme Fellow @ Clingendael Institute
Amita  Gill

Amita Gill

Director a.i. @ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Thomas Greminger

Thomas Greminger

Executive Director @ Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Rebecca Grynspan

Secretary-General @ UNCTAD
Mohammad Haroon Mutasem

Mohammad Haroon Mutasem

Former Deputy Ombudsperson of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Mustafa Abdullahi  Hassan

Mustafa Abdullahi Hassan

Director General of the Southwest Ministry of Interior @ Local Governance, and Reconciliation, State of Somalia
Daren Tang  Heng Shim

Daren Tang Heng Shim

Director-General @ World Intellectual Property Organization

Eva Herzog

President @ Swiss Council of States

Fleur Heyworth

Head of Gender and Inclusive Security @ Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Annika   Hilding Norberg

Annika Hilding Norberg

Head @ Peace Operations and Peacebuilding, GCSP
Mark Iozzi

Mark Iozzi

Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS), Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations @ U.S. State Department

Tasnim Jberi

Science Consultant in Peace and Security Programme @ Inter-Parliamentary Union

Mary Kangethe

Director Education Programs @ Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
Aminata  Kindo

Aminata Kindo

Survivor of violent extremism receiving psychosocial support from the PREVENIR project @ UFC-Dori

Nirina Kiplagat

Coordinator, Governance and Peacebuilding, Regional Service Center for Africa, @ United Nations Development Programme
Alisa  Kockar

Alisa Kockar

Programme Coordinator @ National Youth Council of Serbia
Katherine Kramer

Katherine Kramer

Associate Expert @ Fight for Humanity
Aurélie  Lamazière

Aurélie Lamazière

Senior Programme Manager, Lead on Accountability for Grave Violations Affecting Children @ Save the Children

Renée Larivière

Senior Director of Programmes @ Interpeace

Kathleen Lawland

Senior Consultant @ GCSP

Maria Lucia Uribe

Executive Director @ Arigatou International Geneva

Joanna Makhlouf

Project Assistant Local Leadership Labs (LLL) Initiative @ CIVICUS : World Alliance For Citizen Participation
William Maley

William Maley

Emeritus Professor of Diplomacy @ Australian National University

Elham Manea

Adjunct Professor of political science @ Zurich University

Rigoberta Menchú Tum

Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Tatiana Molcean

Tatiana Molcean

Under Secretary-General @ UN, UNECE
Catriona  Murdoch

Catriona Murdoch

Partner @ Global Rights Compliance (GRC)

Vanessa Murphy

Legal Adviser @ ICRC
Ingrid Münch

Ingrid Münch

Mediation Support Officer @ Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Chitra Nagarajan

Expert @ Climate Security Expert Network

Anthony Ngororano

Resident Representative @ UNDP Kenya
Sunday Stephen  Nhial Thiang

Sunday Stephen Nhial Thiang

Nonviolent Peaceforce South Sudan @ Protection Officer

Sarah Noble

PeaceTalks Curator @ Interpeace

Melissa Jaimes Ochoa

Public Information Officer @ UN Mission in Colombia
Laura  Oumou

Laura Oumou

Gender Officer @ RECOPA

Siobhan O’Neil

Head of Project, MEAC @ UNIDIR

Maruee Pahuja

African Youth Ambassadors for Peace @ Trust Building Programme, Initiatives of Change Switzerland
Maj Gen  Patrick Gauchat

Maj Gen Patrick Gauchat

Head @ United Truce Supervision Organization

Caroline Pellaton

Director of Operations @ Geneva Water Hub

H.E. Ib Petersen

Danish Ambassador to the UN

H.E. Anita Pipan

Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations in Geneva
Deike Potzel

Deike Potzel

Director General for Stabilisation and Humanitarian Assistance @ German Federal Foreign Office

Alice Priddy

Global Desk Manager and Senior Legal Adviser @ Diakonia IHL Center
Tobias Privitelli

Tobias Privitelli


Eman Redwan

Acting Head, Ramallah Office @ DCAF

Ken Reidy

Programme Management Officer @ UNOCT Behavioural Insights Hub
Heide Rieder

Heide Rieder

Mental Healt and Psychoscoial Support Officer @ IOM
Aurélie Rime

Aurélie Rime

Programme Officer @ Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
Mehra  Rimer

Mehra Rimer

Director @ B8 of Hope

Mehra Rimer

Director @ B8 of Hope

Mary Robinson

first woman President of Ireland @ UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Chair of The Elders

Marco Rodrigues

Renowned Portuguese Fado singer
Angélica Rojas Moncada

Angélica Rojas Moncada

Coordinadora Regional Guaviare @ Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development (FCDS)

Marlies Rotshuizen

Senior Academy Fellow @ clingendael

Guy Ryder

Under-Secretary-General for Policy @ UNOG
Sima  Samar

Sima Samar

FMR Chairperson of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission

Antonio Sampaio

Thematic Lead: Cities and Illicit Economic @ Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
Lara Scarpitta

Lara Scarpitta

OSCE Senior Gender Adviser @ Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Helga Maria Schmid

Helga Maria Schmid

President of the European Institute of Peace and Vice President of the Foundation Council of the Munich Security Conference @ European Institute of Peace and Munich Security Conference

Sofie Schönborn

Research Associate @ Technical University Munich (TUM)

Katongo Seyuba

Research Assistant Climate Change and Risk Programme, @ SIPRI

AlHakam Shaar

Researcher @ The Aleppo project
Faisal  Shahkar

Faisal Shahkar

Police Commissioner @ United Nations Police Adviser
Victoria Sandino  Simanca Herrera

Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera

former Senator of the Republic of Colombia @ negotiator during the peace process in Colombia and ex-combatant of the FARC-EP
Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera

Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera

Colombian politician and ex-insurgent, former commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

Talia Smith

Trustbuilding Program Manager @ Initiatives of Change International (IofCI)
Yama Sukhanyar

Yama Sukhanyar

Executive Director @ Director of the Youth Center for Dialogue and Peace
Loredana Teodorescu

Loredana Teodorescu

President @ the Women in International Security Italy
Kimairis Toogood

Kimairis Toogood

Peace and Development Advisor @ Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator

Karen Tse

Founder and CEO @ International Bridges to Justice

Tatiana Valovaya

Director-General @ UNOG

Sweta Velpillay

Co-Director @ Conducive Space for Peace

Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj

journalist @ Stanford University

Francisco Vila

Head of Programs @ Arigatou Interntional Geneva

Viktoriia Voronina

Executive Director @ Center for Security Studies “CENSS”

Callum Waston

Gender Coordinator @ Small Arms Survey

Kara Wong

Senior Programme Manager @ Conducive Space for Peace
Anton  Yeremchuk

Anton Yeremchuk

Base UA @ Project Coordinator and Co-Founder
Heela Yoon

Heela Yoon

Founder @ Afghan Youth Ambassadors for Peace
Xiangchen Zhang

Xiangchen Zhang

Deputy Director-General @ World Trade Organization