2023 Speakers

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Lionel Aeschliman

Lionel Aeschliman

Finance and Peace @ Managing Partner Mirabaud Bank
Dr Julianna  Funk

Dr Julianna Funk

Project Coordinator @ Everyday Peace Indicators Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rawhi  Afaghani

Rawhi Afaghani

Regional Advisor on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding @ UNDP
Dr. Roselyn  Akombe

Dr. Roselyn Akombe

Chief, Peacebuilding Strategy and Partnerships Branch @ Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support
Prince Zeid Ra’ad  Al Hussein

Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein

President of the International Peace Institute
H.E. Dr. Ali Rashid  Al Nuaimi

H.E. Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi

Member of the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates, President of the IPU Task Force for the peaceful resolution of the war in Ukraine
Carlos  Alvarez Pereira

Carlos Alvarez Pereira

Vice President Club of Rome
Jadranka  Andjelić

Jadranka Andjelić

Co-founder of DAH Theatre Research Centre, theater director
Professor Pedro  Arrojo-Agudo

Professor Pedro Arrojo-Agudo

UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation @ United Nations Human Rights Special Procedures
Anniek Barnhoorn

Anniek Barnhoorn

Research Analyst @ Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Jonathan Bartolozzi

Jonathan Bartolozzi

Senior Advisor, Peace and Governance & Climate Governance, Peace & Security @ Mercy Corps
Peter  Batchelor

Peter Batchelor

Senior Advisor @ Principles for Peace

Dr Annyssa Bellal

Executive Director @ Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
Cédrine  Beney

Cédrine Beney

Ambassadrice, Envoyée spéciale de Suisse pour le Sahel
Vincent  Bernard

Vincent Bernard

, Senior Policy Advisor @ International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA)
Pascal  Bongard

Pascal Bongard

Co-Director @ Centre on Armed Groups
Francesca  Bosco

Francesca Bosco

Chief Strategy Officer @ CyberPeace Institute
Ouided  Bouchamaoui

Ouided Bouchamaoui

Nobel Peace Laurate and former President of UTICA @ the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts
 Abbes  Boukhobza

Abbes Boukhobza

Tunisian artist using painting to promote a message of peace, tolerance and joy
Arthur  Boutellis

Arthur Boutellis

Senior Advisor @ TrustWorks Global
Arthur  Boutellis,

Arthur Boutellis,

Senior Advisor, @ TrustWorks Global
Natalia  Brandler

Natalia Brandler

Founder and president of Asociacion CAUCE Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 5)
Reiner  Braun

Reiner Braun

Historian and peace activist, former Executive Director of IPB

Sophie Bray-Watkins

Youth Advocacy and Participation Adviser @ War Child UK
Rebecca  Brubaker

Rebecca Brubaker

Director of Policy, Learning and Advisory Services @ Interpeace
Eric  Buchot

Eric Buchot

Head of Country Programme, Iraq
Luisa  Bunescu

Luisa Bunescu

Programme Coordinator Higher Education Initiative @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology
Nazareth   Cabrera

Nazareth Cabrera

Representative of the Uitoto indigenous community in the Amazon
Daniel  Carden

Daniel Carden

Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom, President of the IPU’s Forum of Young Parliamentarians
Natasha  Carmi

Natasha Carmi

Lead Water Specialist @ Geneva Water Hub (GWH)
José  Cepeda

José Cepeda

Former Senator of Spain and Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe @ International Parliamentary Union
Guillaume  Charron

Guillaume Charron

Geneva Director @ Independent Diplomat
Dr. Anuradha  Chenoy

Dr. Anuradha Chenoy

Adjunct Professor at Jindal Global University, Member of the IPB Common Security working group
Oleksandra  Chernova

Oleksandra Chernova

Head of Digital Content and Social Media @ JSC "UA:PBC" (Suspilne Ukraine)
Ambassador Nathalie  Chuard

Ambassador Nathalie Chuard

Executive Director @ DCAF -; Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Cindy Chungong

Cindy Chungong

Head of Advocacy and Partnerships @ Principles for Peace
Mr Martin  Chungong

Mr Martin Chungong

Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Dr. Sara   Clarke-Habibi

Dr. Sara Clarke-Habibi

Peacebuilding and Learning Specialist, MHPSS Focal Point @ UNITAR, Division for Peace
Daniel  Clements

Daniel Clements

Programme Manager of Creative Leadership @ Caux Initiatives of Change
Ana-Maria  Colina

Ana-Maria Colina

Senior Policy Associate @ Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
Dr. Jeffrey  Conroy-Krutz

Dr. Jeffrey Conroy-Krutz

Associate Professor and Department Chair @ Michigan State Universit
Colleen  Crenwelge

Colleen Crenwelge

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary @ Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Department of State, United States
Yves  Daccord

Yves Daccord

Co-founder, Edgelands Institute and former Director-General @ International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Dr. Fadi  Daou

Dr. Fadi Daou

Executive Director @ Globethics
Dr. Siad  Darwish

Dr. Siad Darwish

Consultant and Senior Associate: Climate Security @ CDA Collaborative
Caryn (Carynoyds)  Dasah

Caryn (Carynoyds) Dasah

Recognized Social Justice Activist, Generation Equality Leader, Peace Builder , Mediator , Executive Director, Hope Advocates Africa, Elected Coordinator of The Cameroon womens peace movement (CAWOPEM) WASL Member @ Hope Advocates Africa
Abiosseh  Davis

Abiosseh Davis

Head of Global Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning @ Interpeace
Adam  Day

Adam Day

Head of the Geneva Office @ United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
Dr Cedric  De Coning

Dr Cedric De Coning

Research Professor @ Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt
Professor Eric  Deguila

Professor Eric Deguila

Professor of practice of International Relations @ Geneva Graduate Institute
Emanuela Claudia  Del Re

Emanuela Claudia Del Re

Représentante spéciale de l'Union européenne pour le Sahel @ Union Européenne
Maranatha  Dinat

Maranatha Dinat

DRR and Humanitarian Manager @ Concern Worldwide, Haiti

Dany Diogo

Geneva Peace Week Lead @ Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
Idriss El Alaoui Talibi

Idriss El Alaoui Talibi

Vice-President at the Peacebuilding Initiative @ Peacebuilding Initiative, Geneva Graduate Institute

Annika Erickson-Pearson

Community Management Lead @ Geneva Peace Building Platform
Ambassador Mere  Falemaka

Ambassador Mere Falemaka

Permanent Delegation of the Pacific Islands Forum to the United Nations, World Trade Organisation, and Other International Organisations in Geneva @ Pacific Islands Forum
Ahmad  Fawzi

Ahmad Fawzi

Communication strategist and former Spokesperson and Adviser to Kofi Annan
Dr Pamina  Firchow

Dr Pamina Firchow

Associate Professor Brandeis University, Founding Executive Director of Everyday Peace Indicators @ Everyday Peace Indicators
Nathalie  Fontanet

Nathalie Fontanet

Geneva State Councillor in charge of the Department of Finance, Human Resources and External affairs @ Republic and State of Geneva
Florence Foster

Florence Foster

Representative for Peace and Disarmament @ QUNO
Tassio   Franchi

Tassio Franchi

Researcher and Professor at the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME) @ Ministry of Defense of Brazil and expert on the Brazilian Amazon
Angela  Francine Popplewell

Angela Francine Popplewell

Co-Founder, CEO @ 100Cameras
Coronel Lurangeli  Franco

Coronel Lurangeli Franco

in charge of Monitoring and Verification Mechanism in the Peace Process with the ELN @ Deputy Head of the Police Unit for the Construction of Peace (UNIPEP), National Police of Colombi

Erik Friberg

Deputy Chief, Methodology Education and Training Section @ Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Iason  Gabriel

Iason Gabriel

Staff Research Scientist @ Google DeepMind
Diego Garcia Represa

Diego Garcia Represa

Project Officer @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Erica  Gaston

Erica Gaston

Head of Conflict Prevention and Sustaining Peace Programme @ United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
H.E. Amb. Simon  Geissbühler

H.E. Amb. Simon Geissbühler

Head, Peace and Human Rights Division @ Swiss FDFA: Swiss contribution to peacebuilding and conflict prevention
Ambassador Marc P.  George

Ambassador Marc P. George

Senior Diplomatic Adviser @ Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

H.E. Ms. Nikola Gillhoff

Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative @ Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations in Geneva
Sophie  Giscard D’Estaing

Sophie Giscard D’Estaing

Projects/programs Coordinator, funding windows of the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 2)
Hervé  Gonsoling

Hervé Gonsoling

Technical Adviser / Senior Programme Manager @ COGINTA
María Teresa    Gonzalez Esquivel

María Teresa Gonzalez Esquivel

Consultant @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Filippo Grandi

Filippo Grandi

11th United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees @ United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
Melanie  Greenberg,

Melanie Greenberg,

Managing Director @ Humanity United
Amb Thomas  Greminger

Amb Thomas Greminger

Director @ Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Amb. Thomas  Gürber

Amb. Thomas Gürber

Deputy Secretary of State @ Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Anass  Habib

Anass Habib

Singer and Teacher of Classical Arab Music
Erica  Harper

Erica Harper

Head of Research and Policy Studies @ Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Dr Sarah  Hellmuller

Dr Sarah Hellmuller

SNSF Assistant Professor @ Graduate Institute's Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding
Barbara  Hendricks

Barbara Hendricks

Soprano, human rights activist and Lifetime UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
Héloïse  Heyer

Héloïse Heyer

Conflict Sensitivity Lead @ PeaceNexus Foundation
Annika  Hilding Norberg

Annika Hilding Norberg

Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding @ Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Cristina    Hoyos

Cristina Hoyos

Head of Latin America and the Caribbean @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Jessica  Hsu

Jessica Hsu

Post-Colonial Anthropologist and Researcher @ Independent
Dr Conrad   Hughes

Dr Conrad Hughes

Peace Education for the 21st century and Director-General @ international School of Geneva
Dr Charlie  Hunt

Dr Charlie Hunt

Senior Fellow @ United Nations University
Daniel  Hyslop

Daniel Hyslop

Head of Research and Senior Peacebuilding Advisor @ Interpeace – Finance for Peace initiative
Gretta Karly  Ineza

Gretta Karly Ineza

Slam poet
Kahin Ismail

Kahin Ismail

Chief of Self Reliance & Inclusion @ UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Hilda  Issa

Hilda Issa

Palestinian woman activist from Jerusalem Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 4)
Anastasia  Isyuk

Anastasia Isyuk

Operations Manager for Climate and Environment @ International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Julius  Jackson

Julius Jackson

Lead, Conflict and Peace Unit, Office of Emergencies and Resilience @ Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and HDP Nexus Coalition
Dr Grazvydas  Jasutis

Dr Grazvydas Jasutis

Principal Program Manger, Senior SSR Advisor @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Robert  Jenkins

Robert Jenkins

Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization @ United States Agency for International Development
Elissa  Jobson

Elissa Jobson

Chief of Advocacy @ International Crisis Group
Julien  Joly

Julien Joly

Programme Manager @ Small Arms Survey
Samuel  Jones

Samuel Jones

President @ Heartland Initiative
Paule  Juneau

Paule Juneau

Environmental law specialist and mediator @ UNEP Haiti
Karima  Kadaoui

Karima Kadaoui

Deputy Secretary-General @ International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
●	Dr. Christine  Kaddous

● Dr. Christine Kaddous

Professor @ University of Geneva
Itonde Kakoma

Itonde Kakoma

President of Interpeace
Moustapha  Kamal Gueye

Moustapha Kamal Gueye

Director, Priority Programme on Just Transition @ International Labour Organization (ILO)
Sami  Kanaan

Sami Kanaan

Administrative Advisor of the City of Geneva and Board Member of the Geneva Cities Hub
Vimbai  Kapurura

Vimbai Kapurura

Founder and Executive Director of Women Unlimited Eswatini Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 3)
Frank  Kayitare

Frank Kayitare

Interpeace Rwanda Country Representative @ Interpeace
Franziska  Klopfer

Franziska Klopfer

Principal Programme Manager @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Dr Minoo  Koefoed

Dr Minoo Koefoed

Senior Researcher @ Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt
Marcelo  Kohen

Marcelo Kohen

Professor of international Law @ Geneva Graduate Institute
Fawzia  Koofi

Fawzia Koofi

President of the Movement of Change
Katharina  Kramer

Katharina Kramer

Head of Communications @ Sigma European Think Tank
Sebastian  Kratzer

Sebastian Kratzer

Environment, Climate, Peacemaking Lead @ Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Chris  Kremidas-Courtney

Chris Kremidas-Courtney

Senior Fellow, Peace, Security and Defense @ Friends of Europe
Julie  Kummer

Julie Kummer

Journalist @ Radio Télévision Suisse
Taisiia  Kutuzova

Taisiia Kutuzova

Chief Editor @ JSC "UA:PBC" (Suspilne Ukraine)
Peter  Kyle

Peter Kyle

Past Dean - Rotary Representative Network to the United Nations @ Rotary International (RI)
Yves  Lador

Yves Lador

Representative of Earthjustice to the United Nations in Geneva @ Earthjustice
Samuel  Lanwi

Samuel Lanwi

Deputy Permanent Representative @ Republic of the Marshall Islands
Maymuchka  Lauriston

Maymuchka Lauriston

Deputy Regional Representative, East Africa Regional Office o Institutional affiliation: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Cristiana  Lavinia Badulescu

Cristiana Lavinia Badulescu

Head of Research and Policy @ Sigma European Think Tank
Anne  Liedloff

Anne Liedloff

Project Manager, Eastern Europe and Central Asia @ BBC Media Action
Concy Louis

Concy Louis

Bachelor’s Degree Holder in Sci. Educ Majoring in Agriculture from Gulu University Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 4)
Svitlana Lukhymovych

Svitlana Lukhymovych

Senior Program Officer, LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Program @ National Democratic Institute (NDI) Ukraine
Claudia  López

Claudia López

Associate researcher at the Information Science Department, UTFSM - National Center of Artificial Intelligence (Chile)
Wendy MacClinchy

Wendy MacClinchy

Director, UN programme @ Centre for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)
Olivia  Macharis

Olivia Macharis

Project Officer @ Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre)
David  Maizlich

David Maizlich

Security and Crisis Advisor @ International Committee of the Red Cross
Zin  Mar

Zin Mar

General Secretary @ YWCA Myanmar (
Sofia Anton  Martins

Sofia Anton Martins

Programme Manager - Youth & Peace @ Kofi Annan Foundation
Jesse  Matas

Jesse Matas

Musician and writer
Leigh  Mayhew

Leigh Mayhew

Research Officer @ ODI, Global Risks & Resilience
Jennifer  McCormick

Jennifer McCormick

Artist and biomedical illustrator
Spencer Adrian   McMurray

Spencer Adrian McMurray

Consultant on climate diplomacy and security @ Adelphi
Sacha  Meuter

Sacha Meuter

Head of Research and Policy @ Fondation Hirondelle
Dr. Siniša  Milatović

Dr. Siniša Milatović

Business and Human Rights Specialist @ UNDP
Dr. Tania  Miletic

Dr. Tania Miletic

Assistant Director, Initiaive for Peacebuilding, School of Social and Political Science @ University of Melbourne
Ornella  Moderan

Ornella Moderan

Analyste politique et sécuritaire travaillant au Sahel et en Afrique de l’Ouest
A-Young  Moon

A-Young Moon

Founder and representative of PEACEMOMO, Council Member of IPB
Dr. Beatrice  Mosello

Dr. Beatrice Mosello

Senior advisor on climate diplomacy and security @ Adelphi
Dehab  Mustefa

Dehab Mustefa

General Secretary @ YWCA Ethiopia
Murithi  Mutiga

Murithi Mutiga

International Crisis Group @ Africa Program Director
 Dr. Lawrence  Nderu

Dr. Lawrence Nderu

Chairman, Department of Computing at JKUAT. Researcher in AI/ML, Data Science and SE. Founder JHub @ Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology
Michael  Niconchuk

Michael Niconchuk

MHPSS Expert Roster, Programme Advisor @ UNDP
Sarah  Nobles

Sarah Nobles

Peace Talks Curator
Paloma  Noriega

Paloma Noriega

Associate Programme Officer, Adaptation Division, UN Climate Change @ United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Maria Paloma  Noriega Jalil

Maria Paloma Noriega Jalil

Youth Activist, Climate Change and Peace @ UNFCCC
Prof. Adriano  Nuvunga

Prof. Adriano Nuvunga

Director @ Centre for Democracy and Development
Damilola  Olawuyi

Damilola Olawuyi

Chair of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
Dr Olga  Oliker

Dr Olga Oliker

Europe and Central Asia Program @ International Crisis Group
Dr. Khadija Osoble Ali

Dr. Khadija Osoble Ali

Co-Founder of Idman Community Bank and Former Minister of State, Federal Republic of Somalia
Daniel  Owen

Daniel Owen

Lead Development Specialist @ World Bank
Siobhan  O’Neil

Siobhan O’Neil

Head of Project, Managing Exits from Armed Group (MEAC) @ United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Ignacio  Packer

Ignacio Packer

Executive Director @ Caux Initiatives of Change
Musa  Parmaksiz

Musa Parmaksiz

Head of AI and Data Center of Excellence @ UBS
Rafael  Peria de Melo

Rafael Peria de Melo

Coordinator Serviço Jesuíta a Migrantes e Refugiados @ Boa Vista Roraima/ Amazon Basin
Jean-Luc Perrin

Jean-Luc Perrin

Rotary Representative - UN Geneva, World Health Organization @ Rotary International Representative Network
Ky  Phong Nguyen

Ky Phong Nguyen

Senior Programme Officer, Iraq
Aino  Piirtola

Aino Piirtola

Project Officer, Digital Peacemaking @ CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation
Johanna  Poutanen

Johanna Poutanen

Head of Women in Peacemaking & Digital Peacemaking @ CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation
Hiba  Qasas

Hiba Qasas

Executive Director @ Principles for Peace
Barbara  Ramos

Barbara Ramos

Chief of Research and Strategies for Exports @ International Trade Centre (ITC)
Maximilian  Rau

Maximilian Rau

Project and Stakeholder Manager @ Open Think Tank Network / foraus – Swiss Forum on Foreign Policy
Madeleine  Rees

Madeleine Rees

Secretary-General @ Women’s international League for Peace & Freedom
Shah Gul  Rezaie

Shah Gul Rezaie

Human rights and women rights activist @ European Institute of Peace
Mira  Rizeq

Mira Rizeq

President @ World YWCA
Abby  Robinson

Abby Robinson

Director @ Continua
Valentina  Rollo

Valentina Rollo

Head of Research @ The International Trade Centre (ITC)
Verónica  Ruiz

Verónica Ruiz

Programme Manager for Climate and Disaster Resilience, Climate Change Team @ International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Dr Jenna  Russo

Dr Jenna Russo

Director of Research and Head of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations @ International Peace Institute
Lukas  Rüttinger

Lukas Rüttinger

Senior Advisor @ Adelphi
Nika  Saeedi

Nika Saeedi

Team Leader, Prevention of Violent Extremism, Global Focal Point on MHPSS @ UNDP NY
Marie-Laure Salles

Marie-Laure Salles

Director @ Geneva Graduate Institute
Lara  Scarpitta

Lara Scarpitta

Senior Adviser on Gender Issues @ OSCE
Marie-Laure  Schaufelberger

Marie-Laure Schaufelberger

President @ Sustainable Finance Geneva
Helga Maria  Schmid

Helga Maria Schmid

OSCE Secretary General @ OSCE
Besmir  Semanaj

Besmir Semanaj

Senior Information Technology Engineer @ Kairos Beteiligungs GmbH
Schadi Soraya  Semnani

Schadi Soraya Semnani

Iraq Study Coordinator, Managing Exits from Armed Group (MEAC) @ United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Alizée  Semon

Alizée Semon

Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de la Conférence du désarmement à Genève @ Représentation permanente de la France auprès de la Conférence du désarmement à Genève
Patricia  Shafer

Patricia Shafer

Senior Fellow for Peace Education @ Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP)
Vlad  Shast

Vlad Shast

Film contributor and Head of Charity Fund “Hugs” @ Charity Fund “Hugs”
Shartu  Shemsuddin

Shartu Shemsuddin

Ph.D. student at Tangaza University College institute for social transformation Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 5)
Sandra  Shenge

Sandra Shenge

Director of Programmes Aegis Trust, working to prevent genocide through
Ann-Kristin “Anki”  Sjöberg

Ann-Kristin “Anki” Sjöberg

Co-Director and Founder @ Fight for Humanity
Dr James , Smith

Dr James , Smith

Founder, Deputy Chair and Director of Programmes   @ Aegis Trust and Sandra Shenge
Dané  Smith

Dané Smith

Program Manager in Development Cooperation Department @ MEDRC
Elisabeth  Spehar

Elisabeth Spehar

Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support @ Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Elizabeth  Spehar

Elizabeth Spehar

Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support @ Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), United Nations
Phoebe  Spencer

Phoebe Spencer

Environmental Economist, Middle East and North Africa @ World Bank
Alasdair  Stuart

Alasdair Stuart

Senior Advisor/Senior Researcher and Disinformation Lead @ BBC Media Action
Willi  Studer

Willi Studer

Source and Managing Director Proviatus Ltd and Ambassador @ Inner Development Goals Initiative - Lemanic Hub
Anna  Sundström

Anna Sundström

Secretary General of the Olof Palme International Center
Rayan  Swar

Rayan Swar

Public relations/ communication Marketing specialist / youth Advocate @ Kurdistan Regional Government
Antonio  Sánchez-Benedito Gaspar

Antonio Sánchez-Benedito Gaspar

Ambassadeur, Envoyé spécial de l’Espagne pour le Sahel
Loredana  Teodoresc

Loredana Teodoresc

President of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network and WIIS Italy
Samson  Tesfaye

Samson Tesfaye

Co-head, Women Deliver 2023 - Kigali, Rwanda; Rotary Representative to African Union and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa @ Women Deliver
Frederik  Teufel

Frederik Teufel

Lead Coordinator, Transition States Coordination Office @ African Development Bank
Dr. Anais  Tobalagba

Dr. Anais Tobalagba

Legal and Policy Researcher @ Rights and Accountability in Development Limited (RAID)
Mouhamadou  Touré

Mouhamadou Touré

Journaliste senior au Studio Tamani au Mali @ Fondation Hirondelle

Jimena Troyano

Visiting Fellow @ UN DPPA and Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Natalia  Ulianets

Natalia Ulianets

President @ YWCA Ukraine
Cristina Valdés

Cristina Valdés

Project Officer and Montreux Document Forum Secretariat @ DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Agi  Veres

Agi Veres

Director, UNDP Representation Office, Geneva @ UNDP
Agnes Night Wani

Agnes Night Wani

Trainer of trainees champion / women and girls right defender on women transformative leadership at young women Christian association South Sudan YWCA @ South Sudan YWCA
Catherine  Wong

Catherine Wong

Global Team Leader - Climate & Security Risk @ United Nations Development Programme
Tanya  Wood

Tanya Wood

Executive Director @ CHS Alliance
Samer  Zebary

Samer Zebary

Founder @ Progress in Peace
Leila  Zerrougui

Leila Zerrougui

Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict at the the United Nations
Larissa  Zutter

Larissa Zutter

Fellow @ Center for AI and Digital Policy